Happy NOW Year!
Most humans are never fully in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But, then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.â€Â     – Eckhart Tolle As I was sipping my coffee in bed this morning, I was posting Facebook greetings, when the […]
3 Ways to Eat Healthier without Really Trying
“Came from a plant, eat it; made in a plant, don’t.†– Michael Pollan Perhaps eating healthier is one of the things you’d like to tweak this year. The problem with this is that there is so much confusion around the definition of healthy eating. I could write about this subject forever, so to avoid […]
Give Up on Resolutions. Start a Revolution, Instead!
Revolutionary – 1. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: 2. radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc… So, here we are on the first day of the first week of the New Year. Is today the day you […]
Eat Like a Baby!
“The key to resolving your struggle with weight and food does not lie in a magical, or even logical, combination of eating and exercise‖ Dr. Michelle May Last time I talked about the perils of restrictive dieting and punishing exercise, as shown on the TV show, The Biggest Loser. Now, I want to introduce you […]
Lent With a Twist
“When the why is strong enough, the how is easy.†– Jim Rohn I’ve been hearing over the past week or so what friends, family, clients and even folks I don’t know on Twitter have given up for Lent. Now the “trending topic†is how hard it is to give these things up. “One week […]